Framingham State University

Quick Facts

State University


Framingham, MA


Bachelor's, Master's

Popular Majors

Education, Business, Psychology, Communications Technology, Nutrition and Wellness, Liberal Arts, Sociology

Total Students

Undergrad Students



Undergrad Tuition

Room and Board

$10,520 (In State)

$16,600(Out of State)



 Average Net Price *



Distance from Boston

School Website

20 miles School Website

* Average Net Price is is the actual average cost to students for attending the college.  This is calculated by adding the cost of attendance (tuition, fees and room and board where applicable) and subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, or institutional grant or scholarship.

Framingham State University is located in Framingham, Massachusetts, 20 miles from Boston. It offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs. 

The university offers 26 undergraduate programs in many areas, including business, science, education, and nursing. The university also offers over 30 part-time graduate degrees and certificate programs in areas ranging from business, healthcare, and human resources to education, nutrition, and counseling.  The school grants graduate degrees of MBA, Master of Arts, Master of Education, Master of Science, and Master of Science in Nursing.

The school accommodates different schedules, offering programs full-time, part-time, evenings, and online.

As a public university, Framingham State prides itself on its quality academic programs, affordability, and commitment to access for all qualified students.

All Framingham State University teams compete at the NCAA Division III level. All teams compete in the Massachusetts State College Athletic Conference (MASCAC). Men's programs include baseball, cross country, football, basketball, ice hockey, and soccer. Women's programs include cross country, lacrosse, softball, basketball, field hockey, soccer, and volleyball.

Framingham State University offers small, personalized classes on a beautiful and traditional New England campus. Shuttle service is provided to select popular Rt. 9 shopping and entertainment destinations, as well as the West Natick Commuter Rail station, which provides quick access to the city of Boston.