Saint John's Seminary

Quick Facts

Catholic Major Seminary


Boston, MA


Bachelor's, Master's

Popular Majors

Pre-Theology, Lay Ministry, Master of Divinity

Total Students

Undergrad Students

143 27


Room and Board

$24,915 (undergrad)
$18,900 (graduate)



 Average Net Price *

Open Admission


Distance from Boston

School Website


School Website

* Average Net Price is is the actual average cost to students for attending the college.  This is calculated by adding the cost of attendance (tuition, fees and room and board where applicable) and subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, or institutional grant or scholarship.

Saint John's Seminary is located in Boston and was founded in 1884. It is a Catholic Major Seminary granting Master of Arts and Master of Divinity degrees. As a major seminary, it offers a four-year program leading to the Master of Divinity degree. There is also a program leading to a Master of Arts in Theology.

In addition, St. John's Seminary offers a two-year program of initial formation for those candidates who are college graduates and have no prior experience of formal preparation for the sacrament of Holy Orders. Those who complete the pre-theology program may qualify to receive a Bachelor of Philosophy.

The Seminary's Theological Institute for the New Evangelization offers programs for lay people wishing to work in Roman Catholic ministry, leading to the degrees Master of Theological Studies for the New Evangelization and Master of Arts in Ministry.

The seminary's sports include basketball, football, golf, softball, and soccer. Seminarians contend in intramural basketball and soccer leagues against Boston College students.

The seminary's campus is located in the Brighton area of Boston. Public transportation to Boston is available via the Green Line.