Boston Baptist College

Quick Facts

Bible College


Boston, MA


Certificates, Associate, Bachelor's

Popular Majors

Biblical Studies

Total Students

Undergrad Students



Undergrad Tuition

Room and Board




 Average Net Price *



Distance from Boston

School Website

5 miles


* Average Net Price is is the actual average cost to students for attending the college.  This is calculated by adding the cost of attendance (tuition, fees and room and board where applicable) and subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, or institutional grant or scholarship.

Boston Baptist College is a Bible college located in Boston. The school offers the Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree in a four-year program as well as Associate in Science, Certificate in Bible Studies, and Master Life Certificates. The school offers 25 different courses.

At the heart of every academic program at Boston Baptist College is the study of scripture. While collegiate general education is offered, all programs require a major in biblical studies.

The school is located in a quiet residential neighborhood, just five miles from the heart of downtown Boston.